Olimpiadas de la Cerveza

We love playing beer-fueled games at Free Cerveza. So we thought we’d give you a list of our favorite events for the ultimate backyard Beer Olympics!

The most important thing is to start off with an awesome opening ceremony. We like to give all the teams 5 minutes to come up with a cheer routine that they believe represents their team.

For an easy system to score: just rate the teams in each category from 1st to last place. If you have 5 teams playing, then then the winner for each round gets 5 points, the losers get 1 point & everyone else in between. Tally up the points for each round at the end and announce the winners!

Although there will be a lot of beer involved – we always think more beer is the best prize for the winners.

Dizzy Bat

Dizzy bat is a great way to start the day off with total anarchy.

  • The first player from each team will start off by pouring a beer into the handle of a hollow plastic bat & then proceeding to chug the beer from the bat.
  • Once the beer is finished, the player will place their forehead on one end of the bat and the other end on the floor, then spin around 10 times.
  • They will then take their empty can, toss it in the air & hit it like a baseball.
  • Once the first player is done, they’ll pass the bat to the next person in their team and grab a seat.

Suck It Up

Take a deep breath and test your lung capacity with this round.

  • Each team starts with 1 player on the table with a beer, ice tray & straw in front of them.
  • The player needs to pour the beer into the ice tray, put the straw in their mouth & put their arms behind their back.
  • Start sucking! Once the player has sucked up all the beer in the ice tray through the straw, then the next team member starts.

Shotgun Relay

How fast can you chug?

  • Each team lines up in a row and the starting player has a beer & a key/knife.
  • The player must run to the other side of the field while balancing the beer on the palm of their hand.
  • Once they get to the other side, they use the key or knife to shotgun the beer.
  • After they’ve finished the beer, they grab a new run from the bucket and run it back to their next team mate.

Ultimate Flip Cup

Who knew flipping a cup would take skill and perseverance?

  • Start with 1 player from each team around the table with a beer & a cup.
  • Each player needs to fill the cup up to the line, chug the beer & attempt to flip the cup from an upwards to downwards position.
  • Once the player has successfully flipped their cup, the next team member will begin.

Drunk Waiter

Let’s see how good your waitering skills are.

  • Each team will have a tray and 6 cups filled up with water.
  • The starting player from each team will start by spinning around 10 times, then grabbing the tray filled with cups and attempting to walk across to the other side of the field and back without dropping any.
  • Points are deducted for each cup spilt/dropped.