Our Bamboo Casitas

The design of the bamboo casitas is inspired by the geometry of volcanos, nature, and its potential as building materials such as bamboo, adobe, and wood. They were thoughtfully designed and built by the creative team at Geomante.

The materials chosen are

Guadua and Verticilata bamboo:
Guadua Bamboo is specialized in the largest, strongest, and most economically important bamboo of the Americas: Guadua Angustifolia. Guadua bamboo is used in all sorts of building applications and is considered to be the strongest bamboo in the world. In South America, it is widely used in construction or engineered laminated panels. We used it in the columns and main beams, for the secondary beams we used Vertcilate which is lighter.

For the walls, the technique chosen is Bahareque, which is the system and technique of construction of houses made fundamentally with sticks interwoven of canes and mud, used from early ages in the construction of houses in towns considered as primitive, for example in the native constructions of America.

And for the false ceiling and floor, we used two different kinds of wood, local pine wood and Guayabo wood, one of the strongest woods around.

The design considers bioclimatic and green design, including cross ventilation, enough shade to protect the walls and bamboo.


Geomante is a platform that offers services of Art, Architecture, Bio construction, and recycling. Inspired by Geometry, Nature, and God.

Officially founded in Guatemala, in 2015, it brings together a multidisciplinary team of creative professionals. The team includes architects, graphic designers, artisans, urban artists, carpenters, builders, and landscapers.

The platform is currently guided by José Rodrigo Chávez, an architect specialized in design and construction with natural materials.

Interested in art, design, and construction from an early age, inspired by nature and the materials she offers, He gained experience working and building in rural areas in Guatemala. 

He has experience in design and construction with different materials, including bamboo, wood, stone, superadobe, earthen building, cane, concrete, metal, and recycling materials (plastic, rubber, etc).

He has participated in different festivals in different countries like Germany, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Honduras, and Colombia, where he has designed and built art installations, sculptures, and stages.

He currently works in social and private projects in Guatemala City, Chicago, and in the north of the country in the Mayan jungle of Petén.


[email protected]